42式太極拳,是1989年中國武術院為適應國際武術競賽需要,規範套路,組織專家在48式太極拳的基礎上編創成的國際武術太極拳競賽套路。有40個拳式,加上「起式」和「收式」共有42個拳勢動作,因此,亦稱為42式太極拳。 42式太極拳以傳統楊氏太極拳為範,吸收了陳、吳、孫等太極拳流派的代表性拳勢動作編排而成。因此,42式太極拳具有陳、楊、吳、孫四種不同風格。 42式太極拳以現代科學為指導,根據生理學、人體結構平衡發展,較好地繼承了傳統太極拳輕鬆、柔和、圓活、自然、綿綿不斷的動作風格,體現了體鬆心靜、意領身隨、剛柔相濟的特點,並在此基礎上加大了難度和運動量,從而形成舒展、圓活、均衡全面、生動簡練的新套路。 42式太極拳與傳統太極拳相比,更具有科學性和時代性。 其一,它吸收了四大太極拳門派的代表性拳勢動作,規範了套路,為各門派所接受,同時適應了國內外太極拳的競賽要求,便於太極拳的普及和推廣; 其二,它增加了左右拳勢的平衡,彌補了傳統套路的不足,更有利於健身; 其三,它以楊氏太極拳拳勢為主,吸收了其他主要流派的代表性拳勢動作,不僅使套路內容豐富,而且更具有觀賞性,便於推廣普及; 其四,套路增加了難度和運動量,有利於太極拳的發展和競技。 太極拳屬於中國,更屬於世界。42式太極拳繼承了傳統,發展了傳統,優於傳統,它與時俱進,有利於太極拳走向世界、造福於全人類。
In order to standardize the forms to meet the needs of international Wushu competitions, masters and experts were grouped by the Chinese Association of Wushu to create the 42-form Taiji Quan in 1989, which was based on the Yang style 48-form. It consists of 40 movements plus the opening and closing form and becomes known as 42-form Taiji Quan. The 42-form mainly comes from the Yang style of Taiji Quan, but it adopted signature techniques from the Chen, Wu and Sun styles as well, combining the different features of each of these four styles. Guided by modern science especially physiology, 42-form puts emphasis on a balanced development of the human body. Its movements inherit all the characteristics of traditional Tai Chi: relax, soft, smooth, natural and continuous. It also fully embodies the Tai Chi spirits: relaxing the body, keeping internal stillness, feeling each movement, combining force with gentleness, etc. With the difficulty and the intensity being enhanced on this basis, the 42-forms came as a stretching, flexible, refined and all-round balanced new form. In comparison with the traditional Taiji Quan,the 42- form has brought more scientific and modern components into the sport. A) It condensed the signature movements of the four major styles, standardized the routine and has been accepted by all the groups. Meanwhile, it remained fully compliant with the requirements of national and international competitions. B) Its enhanced the balance of exercising both sides of the body, eliminated the disadvantages of the original forms, and is therefore more beneficial to human body. C) Its movements were based mainly on Yang style and also combined those of other styles. Enriched in its content while becoming more appealing, it has gained much more popularity. D) The increased difficulty and intensity of the movementsalso propelled its development and usage in competitions. Taiji Quan belongs to China as well as the whole world. The 42-form Taiji Quan inherited, developed, and surpassed the traditional forms. It continues to advance with the times, and it will surely benefit all the people in the world.
第一章 42式太極拳的運動特點及主要動作規格
第一節 運動特點及風格特點
第二節 42式太極拳的主要動作規格
第二章 42式太極拳套路
第一節 42式太極拳套路動作名稱
第二節 42式太極拳套路動作詳解
附 42式太極拳動作佈局路線圖
Chapter 1 42-form Taiji Quan Features and Standards
Section 1 42-Form Taiji Quan Key Features andStyles
Section 2 42-Form Taiji Quan Features and standards
Chapter 2 42-form Taiji Quan Spectrum
Section 1 42-form Taiji Quan Movements
Section 2 42-form Taiji Quan Detail Explanation Stepby Step
Appendix Path Map of the 42-form Taiji QuanMovements